Wednesday, February 17, 2016

US Politics: The Human Right Party to vie for Congress

The Human Rights Party (HRP) was a left-wing political party that existed in Michigan during the early and mid-1970s. The party achieved electoral success in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. It eventually expanded to include several other Michigan cities with large student populations. In 1975, the HRP became the Socialist Human Rights Party, and it later merged with the Socialist Party of Michigan.

The Human Rights Party

The Objectives of the Human Rights Party are to

(1) win enough seats in the U.S. House of Representatives so that no single party will have a clear majority of votes; and
(2) originate and support legislation and policies that will insure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all individuals. The Basic Principles for the Human Rights Party are as follows:

1.All forms of offensive warfare, including pre-emptive actions, must be eliminated.
2.All types of discrimination, in any form, must be eliminated.
3.All individuals must have access to quality health care.
4.All individuals must have access to decent personal housing alternatives.
5.All individuals must have access to quality educational opportunities.
6.All individuals must have access to viable employment opportunities.
7.All disabled individuals must have adequate resources to insure their pursuit of happiness.
8.All retired individuals must have adequate resources to insure their pursuit of happiness.
9.Revenues from all forms of taxation must be adequate to fully fund all of the above.

The Party was created to give candidates and individual voters a new alternative that may be more in line with their own personal beliefs and convictions.

The Party is registered with the Public Disclosure Commission.

The Party does not solicit or accept any contributions of tangible monetary value.

The person responsible of this political advertisement is
Sam Wright1522 Evanston Ct. NE, Olympia, WA, 98506360-943-4424
Email Sam Wright

Read the Notes on Principles >
Principles were drawn mainly from an essay entitled "Time for Outrage" by Stephane Hessel.

                                                    RUN FOR CONGRESS.
To ensure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, both health care and education must be recognized as basic human rights for all Americans. The only cost effective way to provide universal health care is by providing a single national insurance program, including removal of the responsibility from both employers and employees (private and public sectors, including education). Exclusion of private insurance and advertising companies (and the IRS) from health care would save the American people trillions of dollars in unnecessary costs during the 21st century. Severing the current mandatory linkage between health care insurance and employment would create a major new and sustainable stimulus for job creation and growth of the American economy. For education, we need to recognize the essential role of post secondary training as part of our definition of basic education. Tuition fees in state college systems must be drastically reduced or eliminated. The only tax policy change needed would be to begin taxing capital gains at the same percentage rates as earned or ordinary income.

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