Monday, January 25, 2016

Know What That Little Pocket on Your Jeans Is For

In life, there are few things that remain a mystery to us. But when those little mysteries become un-mystified, generally the world goes into serious meltdown mode at the sheer importance of the new information.
Today's revelation is the significance of a particular piece of clothing that has had people baffled for generations. (Maybe.)You know that little pocket on your jeans? The one that doesn't really function as a pocket due to its tiny, tiny size; that sits inside an actual pocket which does actually function as such?

Well hold onto your hats, because some particularly curious forum users who couldn't live in a world where that pocket's function wasn't known have gone and discovered its use. The tiny little pocket inside a pocket is actually for watches, designed for cowboys in the 1800s. But since we are in 2016 and we are, for the most part, not cowboys, these pockets have taken on new uses.
It says on the Levi Strauss website, "Originally included as protection for pocket watches, thus the name, this extra pouch has served many functions, evident in its many titles: frontier pocket, condom pocket, coin pocket, match pocket, and ticket pocket, to name a few."

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